Your own path to God

Every individual has their own story, their own views on life, and their own unique connection with god. Some may have not found their path to Allah yet, and some may have found their deepest connection with their lord earlier than others. You can find Allah through anything; sometimes he may test you to bring you back to him, you may find him through simply seeing something that inspires you, even through the acts of someone else. However you may find a path to your creator, let it be a reminder for you. When you’re feeling your faith is dipping, remind yourself of how Allah brought you closer to him. Remind yourself that no matter what there is always hope for you. Even if you feel like your sins have overtaken the good within you, know that Allah is all forgiving. Just believe in him, and repent, and if you’re sincere, you’re likely to feel a connection with your creator that nothing can compare to. faith Remember him in all you do, and when you feel like you’re slipping into the desires of this world too much, go back to that spot where you pray, and remember him, how your lord saved you when you fell and hit the lowest points, how he inspired hope in you after you prayed, how he forgives when you sin, how he’s there for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Allah is always there for you, watching you, knowing of every breath you take. Thank Allah for bringing you back into the light when you were lost in darkness. Its normal for your faith to feel like its dipping. Its unlikely that its always at a high point, but as long as you try, and you don’t let yourself fall into the likes of this world too much, insha’allah Allah will save us. You may find that the one big sin you committed, is the one thing that brought you back to Allah in the end. So we shouldn’t  judge someone based on their sins, because most of us may have a past. We can only pray for them and offer them a friend who will help guide them, because that could be all they need. As a muslim ummah we should be helping one another become better, rather than judging and dividing ourselves.

May Allah guide us and grant us Jannah. May he help us in all we do and grant us success in this world and in the hereafter. May he bring us closer to those we love and forgive all the sins we may have committed. Ameen

Here are 2 of my favourite videos on youtube that never fail to inspire faith in me when I’m feeling a little low.


One thought on “Your own path to God

  1. As salamu alai kum,

    MashaAllah!such a beautiful post. We as humans are bound to sin and err but Allah swt is the most merciful. Our imaan is not the same everyday, yet it is important that we strive for Allah each day. JazakAllah khairun for serving me with a reminder of Allah’s mercies today 🙂 May Allah reward you immensely sis. Ameen

    Your sister in Islam.


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