Competitions of worldly matter.

There comes a point where we have to realise that this world is not forever. Although we should work hard to achieve what we want, we should moreover ensure we are working hard to gain jannah.
You may be smarter than someone in terms of your exam results, however you may not be better than them in terms of their connection with Allah.
You may be more physically attractive than another person, but their heart may be more beautiful than yours.
You may have achieved everything you ever wanted, with all the wealth you could wish for, but the poor orphan child who asks Allah for help may have gained the wealth of Jannah whilst you may have not.
We need to stop comparing ourselves to other people, stop thinking ‘I am better than her/him because I got into this university’, or ‘I am better than her/him because I have more money’. We are all human beings.

we are equal in the eyes of Allah, except by levels of faith.

 We should be helping one another to achieve what it is we want to achieve. Helping and guiding one another to islam, and being happy for one another’s achievements. Not becoming competitive and arrogant due to our own achievements.

Everything we are blessed with comes from Allah. We’re told to wish for our brother what we wish for ourselves. So be happy for one another, support one another, and guide one another to be closer to Allah. Then we have truly achieved a level of happiness that comes from him alone. To be content with what Allah has given us takes strength in a world full of desires, but we need to see that this isn’t a competition of what we have and what we don’t have. Life is a test, and we should help each other, and thank Allah for what he has blessed us with. Because if you count all your blessings, Im sure you’ll find you have a lot more than you thought you had.

May Allah guide us and grant us Jannah. May he help us be successful in this life and in the hereafter. May he save us from the fire, forgive all our sins, and bring us closer to those we love. Ameen.
